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We're hiring: Project Manager, Equal Media and Culture Centre for Scotland

Jul 9, 2024: We're hiring a new Project Manager for the EMCC!

Diversity, Media and Narrative Power Event

Jul 3, 2024: EMCC Scotland's Diversity, Media and Narrative Power event explores the power of media narratives in shaping gender equality. Experts discuss how diverse perspectives can challenge bias.

Gender Bias in UK Music: What Instrument to Play?

Mar 19, 2024

Position Vacant: Communications & Engagement Officer

Jan 15, 2024

Guest post: Reflecting on the National Gathering for Women of Colour in Scotland

Nov 6, 2023

Critically minded? The problem of diversity in film criticism

Sep 6, 2023

Digital abuse against feminist scholars: a case study

Aug 23, 2023

GUEST POST: Do we need diversity quotas in film?

Aug 9, 2023

GUEST POST: Digital safety and women in politics

Jun 20, 2023: Yoke Baeyens explores abuse online in the UK and beyond – with a focus on the experiences of women politicians.

Cost of Living Crisis: How are rising costs affecting women in the arts?

Apr 4, 2023

GUEST POST: What role does theatre have to play in the movement for gender equality?

Jul 20, 2022: Caitlin Skinner is Artistic Director and CEO of Stellar Quines, an intersectional feminist theatre company based in Scotland. Here she writes about what needs to change in the theatre industry.

GUEST POST: “Warning” versus “claiming”: the subtle misogyny in media discourse

May 25, 2022

GUEST POST: Who says what? A breakdown of gender bias in news topics and reporting

May 19, 2022

Has it happened to you?

May 17, 2022

GUEST POST: Precedented inequalities in unprecedented times

Apr 22, 2022

When Words Fail: The Way Institutions Talk about Sarah Everard Matters

Oct 1, 2021

#PasstheMic - where are the women of colour in Scottish election news?

Jul 27, 2021: This blog presents some initial findings from part 2 of our Pass the Mic research.

#PasstheMic - Part 2 of our Media Monitoring Study

Jul 27, 2021: Part 2 of our Pass the Mic media monitoring study focused on Scottish news media over nine days from Saturday 1st May to Sunday 9th May 2021 and included television, newspapers, web news and twitter

New survey for women in Scottish Arts, Culture and Media

Jun 1, 2021: Tell us about your experiences of working in the arts, culture and media sectors in Scotland, to help improve women's equality.

#Passthemic - women of colour in stories about Scotland

Apr 27, 2021: In depth findings from the first period of #PasstheMic media monitoring, looking at where women of colour appear in stories in and about Scotland

#PasstheMic - Where was Diwali in Scottish news?

Mar 31, 2021: How did media monitoring over the Festival of Lights impact on representation of women of colour in Scotland? Spoilers: not much.

Gender inequality and the Scottish Press Awards

Mar 18, 2021: New report asks 'where are the women?' at the Scottish Press Awards

#PasstheMic - where are the women of colour in Scottish news?

Mar 15, 2021

#PasstheMic - a week in Scotland's news

Mar 15, 2021

#PasstheMic - researching women of colour in Scottish news

Mar 15, 2021

Seeking researcher on marginalised women's experiences of Scottish media

Feb 5, 2021: Gender Equal Media Scotland, in collaboration with Engender, are commissioning a small-scale research project examining gender inequality in Scottish media

Where things stand for women in the Scottish media in December 2020

Dec 21, 2020: During November and December of 2020, Women in Journalism Scotland ran an online survey, collecting 92 responses from women working in media from right across Scotland.

Media Mindful: putting a stop to sexism in the media.

Oct 6, 2020: This week, Girlguiding Scotland have launched their Media Mindful Challenge Pack and Gender Equal Media Scotland is delighted to host this blog from 15 year old Catriona Manders explaining why it's so important to challenge media sexism and stereotyping.

Survivors on and in the media

Aug 17, 2020: Last month, we launched a Gender Equal Media podcast reflecting on our guidelines on responsible reporting of sexual assault trials in light of the coverage of Alex Salmond’s criminal trial.

PODCAST: responsible reporting of sexual assault trials

Jul 17, 2020

One week left to apply to work with us!

Jun 29, 2020

Feminists never buy the Sun (with apols to Billy Bragg*)

Jun 19, 2020

Is a healthy social media possible? Keeping a positive mind-set about our bodies online and offline

May 7, 2020

From incidental to essential: Where is women’s pleasure in the sex we see on screen?

May 1, 2020

Still a Man’s Game? Monitoring the Scottish Sports Media

Apr 16, 2020

Gender Representation in the Media

Mar 22, 2020

Harpies and Quines and feminist magazines in Scotland

Feb 28, 2020

How to report sexual assault trials responsibly

Feb 28, 2020

Be Bold. Be Kind. Be Feminist: 'Scotland's Feminist Future'

Feb 18, 2020

Body Image and Social Media

Feb 17, 2020

Of Monsters and Bombshells, part three: “Real” victims don’t speak (out)

Feb 7, 2020

Of Monsters and Bombshells, part two: Good guys and punchlines

Feb 6, 2020

Of Monsters and Bombshells: A blog in three parts

Feb 5, 2020

Political Masculinities in the Brexit Debate

Jan 31, 2020

Free Online Course - Gender Representation and the Media

Dec 17, 2019

#MeToo and the work of ending men’s violence against women

Dec 10, 2019

Pass the Mic: Women of Colour Commentators in Scotland

Oct 18, 2019

The backlash against #MeToo in online humour

Oct 4, 2019

Told and Untold Stories

Sep 29, 2019

The Importance of a (Man’s) Name: Remembering the Blasey Ford - Kavanaugh hearing

Sep 25, 2019

How transformational was the Women’s World Cup for Scotland?

Aug 29, 2019

Edinburgh Fringe: Feminist Guide

Aug 13, 2019

How to Win at Gender-Equal Sports Reporting in 5 Easy Steps!

Jun 7, 2019

Write To End Violence Against Women Awards

Jun 4, 2019

SSJA SHORTLIST: Period Poverty Success Stories

May 29, 2019

Scotland’s biggest challenge this World Cup might be the Scottish media

May 28, 2019

SSJA SHORTLIST: Underwear or Evidence

May 28, 2019

SSJA SHORTLIST: Tweet Promoting FGM Faces Furious Backlash

May 20, 2019

SSJA SHORTLIST - The Perfect Victim

May 18, 2019

SSJA SHORTLIST - Category Is Books: The queer bookshop helping Glasgow's LGBTQ community

May 15, 2019

Violence Unseen: Thoughts from the Panel

May 9, 2019

The News As It Should Be

May 7, 2019

The Illusion of Inclusion: Final thoughts on the media analysis of women in Brexit news

May 2, 2019

It’s All About That Bass: Women’s voices on radio

Apr 25, 2019

It's Time to Pass the Mic

Apr 22, 2019

From Guilt Trips to Cat Fights: Gender stereotypes in Brexit news

Apr 18, 2019

Where Are The Women? Media analysis of gender representation in Brexit news

Apr 11, 2019

The Role of the Media in the Tackling Men’s Violence against Women

Mar 7, 2019

CONFIRMATION: reflections on the intersection between race and gender in public life

Dec 1, 2018

PODCAST: Day 1 of Gendered Representations in Scottish News

Nov 13, 2018

Women in Journalism Scotland survey reveals a third of woman working in the Scottish media saying they have been sexually harassed

Jun 14, 2018

New Handle with Care guide for journalists launched

Jun 5, 2018

The legacy of the Centre for Gender Equal Media

Jun 5, 2018

Spotlight on Scottish Media: who makes the news?

May 2, 2018

Spotlight on Scottish Media: why are we still blaming the victim?

Apr 13, 2018

Spotlight on Scottish Media: language matters

Mar 30, 2018

Spotlight on Scottish Media: what's the story?

Mar 20, 2018

Why There Aren’t Always Two Sides to Every Story

Oct 24, 2017: Here at Engender we receive frequent requests to go on the radio, TV or in front of a live audience to ‘debate’ feminist issues. To partake in a debate which shouldn’t ever be a debate in the first place is a far more dangerous failure.

Five reasons that media coverage of the pay gap is so bad (and why we think we should do better)

Aug 24, 2016: Why are we not having a grand conversation about women and work?

Sexism in advertising, what can we do?

May 13, 2016: Advertising agencies (and the media) dictate our perceptions of beauty; creating unobtainable standards and enabling the fashion and beauty industry to capitalise on our insecurities. Is there anything we can do to stop these damaging portrayals of women?

Gender Matters in Media and Culture

Feb 16, 2016

Women, Westminster, and the media

May 5, 2015

In this section

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