PAST EVENT: WOW Scotland and Engender Think In
It’s time to have your say on WOW Scotland 2023! Our WOW Think In is an informal online session to tell us who and what you would most like to see this year.
This special Think in is hosted in collaboration with Engender and have a focus on Media Culture and Scotland. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, gender or experience so bring your friends and join in!
Every WOW Festival starts with Think Ins-from New York to Afghanistan, Istanbul to Rio de Janeiro, Australia to Pakistan and more,-you’ll be joining thousands of people of all genders who’ve got together to think about what they want their festival to be like
Engender are collaborating with WOW Scotland to explore how plans for WOW festivals and events in Scotland can contribute to and platform the conversation around Scottish Media, Culture and Sport, building on the NACWG recommendation, the work of the GEMS Development Project, and the proposed new Equal Media and Culture Centre for Scotland.
Please come along and hear from our guest speakers Assa Samaké-Roman, Professor Karen Boyle, Dr Francesca Sobande and layla-roxanne hill before having your say on WOW Scotland festivals.
When: 6 March 2023, 15:00 - 16:30 GMT.
Where: Online via Zoom.
Get in touch
Explore how you can contribute to our vision of a more gender-equal media and culture in Scotland by reaching out today.
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