New report: ‘You can’t have diversity without inclusion'
We are delighted to launch our latest report Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: women in media, creative and cultural sectors in Scotland.
EMCC Presents: ‘You can’t have diversity without inclusion’, a lunchtime webinar
Join us for an hour-long lunchtime insight into the world of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives in the culture and media sectors. This session is ideal for anyone working in arts, culture and media in Scotland and explores women’s lived experiences of EDI initiatives and how we can improve so that women no longer bear the burden of this essential work.
Where were the women of colour?
In July 2024, we asked Where were the women of colour? in relation to media coverage of the UK General Election. In a recent webinar with our partners Pass the Mic Scotland and the University of Strathclyde, we explored our collaboration to monitor the representation of women of colour in the media.
Passing the Mic? An analysis of women of colour in the 2024 UK General Election coverage
Pass the Mic Scotland and the University of Strathclyde previously collaborated with Engender as part of the Gender Equal Media Scotland (GEMS) project to analyse the representation of women of colour over the course of nine days of Scottish news media, during the Scottish Parliamentary elections in May 2021. This research found that only 2.1% of all people in the news were women of colour.
Get in touch
Explore how you can contribute to our vision of a more gender-equal media and culture in Scotland by reaching out today.
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