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One week left to apply to work with us!

a-z guide to jobs for girls

Gender Equal Media Scotland is currently looking for a Development Officer to help shape our vision for a Scottish media which treats women equally – as employees, as contributors and as subjects of media attention.

This is such an exciting opportunity to work with all of the GEMS partners, from journalists to student researchers, and be part of the vital work for women’s equality. The post will be hosted by Engender, and is funded by the Scottish Government in response to the work of the National Advisory Council on Women and Girls.

If you think you’d enjoy exploring existing initiatives for women’s equality in the media, and finding out what works, looking for new research that’s needed into Scottish media, and making plans for the future of our work, then this might be the role for you.

We know that Covid-19 has had a huge impact on people’s lives, working arrangements, and future plans, so we’ve done everything we can to make this a flexible post and a simple application process.

You can find out everything about the role, and how to apply, at

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